In order to be able to protect better, it is important to be aware of the most common injuries.
Within the European Union, 306,709 hand injuries, 688,186 finger injuries, and 148,644 wrist injuries occur each year.
Fortunately, most are superficial injuries (980,000), but bone fractures still account for 160,000 injuries to the hand, fingers, or wrist, and much worse, traumatic amputations account for 689 injuries to the hands, 26 to the wrists, and above all 12,370 of finger injuries.
Regarding burns, they concern 25,000 injuries to the hand, fingers, or wrist.
Finally, dislocations, sprains, and strains represent 140,580 injuries to the hand, fingers, or wrist and are regularly fatigue injuries.
Cuts, punctures, and burns, the most common types of hand injuries in the workplace, most often occur when there is a lack of personal protective equipment or a lack of training.